School Questions

1. What time do you normally get up to go to school?

2. What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, tea (dinner, supper)?
Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: sandwiches
Dinner: pasta

3. How do you get to school?
By car.

4. How long does it take to get to or from school?
It takes 20 minutes.

5. A typical lunch at school
Usually Sandwiches.

6. Subjects you have to do – remember to explain abbreviations like LOTE and ELA
ELA- we go over grammar we also work on learning new vocabulary and reading.
Math- we go over geometry and and pre-algebra
Science- we our studying biology this year.
Spanish- we learn basic Spanish words and grammar
Music – we sing church music and study broadway
Art- we are learning and doing optical illusion art
computers- we are learning to code
Social studies- we are learning about different cultures

7. Specialist subjects or electives, options
I am on student council and I was on the school drama club

8. Technology in your school
We use iPads, computers and smart boards.

9. What do you do at break times? Games, activities etc
I talk with my friends, walk around and play volleyball.
10. School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now?
I first take a shower the I Get out text people/ watch tv and then I have swim practice for 3 hours and then around 8:30 I eat dinner watch a little more tv and or go to sleep.

11. Do you have to wear uniform?

12.. How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc?
180 we start school after Labor Day and we get out towards the middle of June.

13. What do you enjoy most about school?
I enjoy My friends and learning at school.

14. If you could improve your school, what would you do?
I would have some more male teachers to work at my school, and make less rules and have at least an ex-period once a week. If you were wondering what an ex- period is, it is a free period which you can leave, ask teachers questions you have, or hang out with friends.

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